Grabsch, D. K., Bell, L., Webb, H., Stoehr, G., & Kulkarni, N. (2021, October). A thematic analysis of conference programs for residential college professional associations. Journal of College and University Student Housing. 48(1): 80-97.

Many professional associations in higher education hold conferences
and conventions on a recurring basis, often with residential college stakeholders taking part. Using a qualitative historical research perspective, we derived themes from conference program schedules (e.g., program session titles, presenters, presenter affiliations) for two prominent associations related to residential colleges: Collegiate Way International and the Residential College Society. Data were collected from 2014 to 2020, examined, analyzed by thematic content analysis, and then organized by association, year, and location. Findings revealed the professional development topics most relevant to residential college stakeholders: specifically, what constitutes a residential college model, the resident experience, and leadership experiences. We have
compared the associations, offered recommendations for practice, including consistency in presentation counts, and presented insights into professional development topics that can advance the field. Finally, we have identified key institutions within the residential college movement and discussed how to diversify the field.

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